This is very important. Our CMS saves a snapshot every time you update or edit a page. This way you can always go back to a previously saved version just in case you make a mistake or just want to see the old page. So, go ahead and mess things up without worrying about losing your work.
Version controls are HUGE when there are multiple people working on a website. At Central Station Marketing, you could have an account manager or site builder work on your site along with you. Of course, we capture the user's name and timestamp with every snapshot. This is one of the key features of our content management system. You'll love it!
Look at the bottom of the image. You will notice the previously saved versions. We save every saved instance but display only 50 because most users do not go further back. However, if you ever need to back even further, you can create a support ticket and we can give you all the versions you need.